
My personal podcast and an organized list of my favorite podcasts

2 min, 243 words

Loïc TRUCHOT published on

Since September 2020, I have been working on my own podcast: JavaScript en Forêt. It's in French, and it describe JavaScript and my thoughts on it, for students and the curious.

JavaScript en Forêt

Simply type "JavaScript en forêt" in the search box of your preferred platform.

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My favorite podcasts: a curated list

Programming and IT

In French

  • Script, Bigaston: Introduction niveau débutant à des langages de programmation

In English

  • Programming, Minko Gechev: Very formal Computer Science subjects, one by one
  • The Women In Tech Show, Edaena Salinas: Any CS + techs subjects by interviewing women
  • Programming Throwdown, P. Wheeler & J. Gauci: All the important programming languages
  • Ladybug, E. Bostian, K. Vaughn, A. Spittel Programming subjects, explained by women

Functional Programming

In English

  • Thoughts on functional programming, Eric Normand: An open monologue on functional programming, full of relevant advice, analogies and examples
  • Corecursive, Adam Gordon Bell: Lots of prestigious guests on all CS topics (but often related to functional programming)
  • Functional Geekery, Proctor: Lots of prestigious guests only about functional programming
  • LambdaCast, LambdaCast: Discover FP topic by topic, abstraction by abstraction
  • Elm Town, Kevin Yank: Elm adopted by a JavaScript programmer